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about me
about me

My name is Radiance, and I am the conscious living enthusiast behind Rainmaking, a health and wellness community.


I started this blog and Instagram in January, 2017 as a way to grow in all of my passions: yoga, health and wellness, social and environmental justice, and content creating.


What you need to know about me: I absolutely adore all things yoga and food! I strive to live by three rules in every aspect of my life: self-love, people-love, and planet-love.


Thanks for visiting my site-- I cannot wait to journey together! Feel free to visit my personal site as well to learn more about me or how we can possibly work together!


All my love, xoxo Radiance.

about rainmaking

I believe the secret to a perfect world lies within the citizens of that world; the way they view themselves, the way they view others, and the way they view their planet. In other words, if we want to see positive change, it's our responsibility to live conscious of our everyday decisions. 


Right about now you’re tuning me out. I know you are. You’re shaking your head saying “not this again”. The ol’ “we can all make a difference” bologna. But we can.

Picture this: One person, just one, decides to live consciously. She is out in the desert, alone, trying to turn the dead earth into a thriving ocean. She could mope around at the impossibility of the task, but she doesn't. Instead, she dances.




And rain starts to fall, on account of her own actions, one drop at a time. Because of her intentional decision to dance, she has affected real change in the desert.

And others are noticing. More dancers arrive, and those who used to turn their heads the other way can no longer help but notice. One by one, those who used to sulk along have become rain dancers. The momentum builds on itself. And the ocean begins to form.


Are you with me now?

The concept of “rainmaking” is simple: each individual action we make accumulates and becomes part of something much larger. But what’s even more important is that by taking action, we attract others to follow our lead and make their own rain. Think about it: aren't we inspired by (and compelled to support) those who are already out making rain in the world? Why not be one of them?


Reality is, by visibly showing your support for a particular action or movement or lifestyle, you become an advocate and an agent of change.


I started this blog because I believe in the power of one. Individual lifestyle change leads to large-scale global change. There’s no doubt about it.  But we must do it together to be rainmakers that create this type of change-accumulation as individuals, communities, nations… as a global family.


I am currently on a journey to dance as hard as flippin’ possible… and I need a community of fellow rain dancers to keep me accountable. So, I’m asking you to challenge yourself, one drop at a time. Do your part-- start your rain dance! I’ll be here, documenting my journey, and hopefully inspiring you and providing you with some helpful tips along the way.


I can’t do it without you-- Subscribe to this blog, follow me on Instagram, and start makin' some rain today!

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